So it’s March 11th, exactly 70 days since the start of the new calendar year.
Seems like an appropriate time for a pulse check on everyone’s progress toward their 2020 goals... If you’re anything like me, you likely also feel that new year’s resolutions are a whole load of rubbish!
Allowing the creation of your goals to be dictated by an arbitrarily decided day of the year is quite frivolous. This is not to say that no good can come out of being intentional about the start of your year; on the contrary, I think it is so important to be absolutely crystal clear regarding your dreams, desires, and goals - no matter the time of year or day.
Sometimes it feels daunting to craft goals out of thin air.
Sometimes it feels as though there is just too much to do and too little time.
And sometimes you have no idea where to even begin.
Regardless of your method of procrastination, the key is to pick one thing and just start.
Here are some tips to get you started!
Define your healthy habits
On the quest to attain your biggest dreams, it is crucial to become aware of your basic need requirements: the baseline minimums you require day-to-day for a small sense of peace and flow. My healthy habit rituals include making my bed on rising, followed by a meditation practice and gratitude journaling. I’m also hooked on vacuuming as the morning sun rays stream in from the east. Evening rituals lighting a candle when I arrive home and listening to music while doing the dishes before my head sinks into my pillow.
What are the minimums you require day-to-day for a sense of peace and flow?
Procrastination is useless
No matter how long you put something off, it’s still there the next day. If it takes less than 2 minutes, just do it - or add it to your to-do list as a reminder and as a way to get it out of your head.
How will your peace increase as you address the things you’re avoiding?
Organize your room, organize your mind
Your room, your space, your home should be your sanctuary.
A place where you can go to feel safe, comfortable, and bold enough to be your full and complete self. Less mess equals less stress.
How does your room align with the person you are becoming?
Be intentional about your future purchases
It’s about wanting all you have, not having all you want!. In a place like New York City, where the space can be limited and the stuff is often overly abundant, it can be quite challenging to account for, let alone appreciate all our stuff. Our belongings work hard to support us and our livelihoods on a regular basis. They need appreciation too!
When was the last time you took inventory of your belongings?
If you’re a person who is motivated by deadlines, your next perfect opportunity to start on your goals is... right now!
The spring equinox is set to take place on Thursday, March 19, 2020. In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring, or vernal, equinox marks the first day of spring.
Spring brings with it so many new beginnings and growth. The time leaps forward to allow for more daylight, the leaves grow back, the weather gets warmer - it’s like the whole world is shaking off the sleep of winter. It’s like the real new year is finally beginning. Ready to bloom.
What better way to kick off the true start of 2020 than to create more space in your life and your home for you to bloom and unfold!